Friday, January 29, 2016

Weekend Retreating

I'm so excited about books this year!

I mean I have always been, but this year they are just going to blow your family away!

Click here for new titles!

I recently got to travel down south to help my skin cells come alive in the sun again.  I was gasping at how good it felt, just driving down the highway!

I got to hang with my dear friends, the Wonder Women! Here we are with the fabulous Randall White.

This was our first night there - a meet and greet!  I was so pumped that we all arrived safely - it's hard to leave the family behind but once everyone was there, I felt like I had another family.

I kidnapped my friend Carrie and we spent some time in my spiritual homeland just prior to the conference. She was such a good sport.  Holy cow.

I was so pleased to be able to meet up with some longtime friends, some of whom are on my team and some of whom I will never be able to express my gratefulness fully.  Here's my teammates, who I've known from 3 to 15 years!  They met at my fave restaurant downtown.  We dished about books and the lady on the left had just shopvac'ed her basement for the 2nd time.  How fabulous does she look!?

I then got to hang out at a coffee shop with just so many sweet friends who made the trip!  I was short on time and these are half of the precious friends I got to see!  The couple on the left are planting a church - their bible study was the first I went to as a young officer 16 years ago, where everything finally clicked.  My friends I grew up with are in the middle, and a young lady I got to lead in bible study is now the fine lady to the right!  And she has 2 kids!  OMGoodness I am OLD!!!  She is still so full of joy. 

Afterward we headed off to Lauren's house.  We spent hours catching up with her and her mom.  It was incredible.  Carrie and I learned SO MUCH about grace in sickness, and I saw that joy was alive and well in Kim.  I love her so much, she was one of my adoptive moms as a single person.  In fact, her house was the last house Dave and I stayed at after our marriage/pack up the house/move across the US final 3 days.  Just a loving, hospitable woman whom I emulate. 

Most people in town will recognize mi familia above.  Their home was my safe house as a young woman with only a lonely apartment to my name.  Whenever I needed to just feel normal, they greeted me with their weirdness.  It worked!  Perfect combination.  Until you wonder, who's normal and who's weird?  And you don't know anymore because you don't care.  You go there because you know you are loved.

A quick vignette: When I left my church, they went out of their way to let me know church was not a building, and that I was always welcome any time.  Well, I popped back in after 10 years and yep!  I love love love this family like my own.  They even came to visit my family in Germany when we were brand new parents!  They accompanied baby Ellie and I to Austria to visit my parents.  They are adventurous, loving, praying people.  I couldn't have asked for better guidance than their open home.

And finally I have to give a shout out.  I got to see Coralie at this weekend retreat!  This lovely lady is someone I am now calling my Irish sister. We spent one full week on a bus together in Ireland and honestly she and her husband are the bestest. I adore her through and through. What I love is that after our company-filled weekend, we agreed to help each other out propelling our businesses.  We aren't on the same team! Isn't that so great?  I know that is an odd phenomenon in the outside world but in Uzzie-land, I feel like it happens more often.  Our families and teams are blended!  I am thankful for her brightness.

And so, lest you think I am too wishy washy, I have to tell you we worked hard on detailed team leadership items.  Yes we spent time in the hot tub, and yes we hung out like champs in our cabin, but we accomplished a great deal, too.  I fully recommend this book for you to get a glimpse into my team philosophy.  It is founded on independence. It describes my team.  We are a Team Genius. These ladies are dynamite.  Creative, ambitious, and doing good for their families and communities!


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