Monday, October 13, 2014

What do we have?

A lot is changing for those in the service.  There are plenty of Facebook meme's to show how that is changing.  Benefits gone.  Higher co-pays.  The list continues.

Yes, they're taking away a lot.  But from my perch in civilian world, may I just tell you what they can't take away?

These are things I celebrate about the majority of my military life.  I celebrate these things, because they are unique, and Congress and voters can't vote them away.

1 - Friends will come to the homecoming ceremonies with you and wait forever.  Four or five hours, if necessary.  Stopping their lives to celebrate your amazing gift of that one moment.

2 - A spouse is gone and you're truly sick of it: you'll get compassion (unless you have the unfortunate circumstance of conversing with a one-up-game spouse, in which case, keep your trap closed).

3 - Not only that, you might get to spend some time with friends whose spouses are also gone, and who see it not as a time to mope, but as a time to connect!

4 - A commitment to support big life events.

5 - A commitment to host celebrations of big life events.

6 - A residual honor - that just won't go away - for traditions.

So keep the faith.  

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