Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Avoided-Fiscal-Cliff Hangover

It's January 2.  The country is still on a path to live beyond our means as a nation.  Many politicians besides Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles still are afraid to express what needs to be expressed.  STAND OUT for speaking truth, rather than being cowered under fear.  The bill that got passed last night was silly, not to mention a can kicked down the road.  More chillingly, the House and Senate and President waited till the eleventh hour.  Why?  I am not pointing fingers.  This indecision and insecurity is on everyone's shoulders.

Anyway, let's do some dictionary dancing.  I was inspired by listening to the Professor talk down to his students last night.
1) Define "balanced."  As of this month, it has two different meanings.  Obama last night expressed very clearly that he would like a balance between more spending and investment.  That's hilarious!  Both mean to spend more!  The other side believes it means having somewhat equal income with what we spend - so when one side goes up, the other side must also.  But to bring down one side, the other side must go down as well.  That definition is dying.

2) Define "rich."  As of this month, it means those earning over $400,000 or $450,000 as a couple.  What's to say that won't change?  It can easily be adjusted downward, until suddenly, those who voted to "tax the rich! tax the rich!" ARE the rich.  That 2%? It will shrink, don't worry.  It won't exist.  And then who can the government tax more to pay for its appetite?  You.  This is how it happens, folks.  Do not covet from (or hate) those who have more than you.  Truly.  It is dangerous.

Please understand.  I love the government.  I love to study it, it's fascinating.  But also having studied organizations at length (yes, for a master's degree, but also because they have so much impact on my life), I can tell you the single most driving force of any organization, but especially one so large, is to sustain itself and grow.  The problem is, this government has a check and balance among its different arms but not on the greater entity itself.  I no longer think "the public" is as powerful as it likes to think it is.

If you would like to pray for our leaders - yes, all of them - try this link.  It is helping me a great deal.  Prayer changes things (including us!):

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