Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just Not the Best Use of My Time

Hey, as a Christian sister I’m reaching out. You could call my bluff on any number of things: how much time I spend on the internet (I read THIS, didn’t I?), how little time I put in to meal planning, how I could spend more time in the Bible… 

And so I respectfully disagree that I should continue a meaningless tradition called Santa Claus. An early childhood professional could tell you that pathways in the brain are set at an early age. I feel if a child is old enough to learn about Santa, he’s old enough to learn Jesus. 

I spent oodles of $$ making sure my child could sign, and communicate with me.  I even tried some Baby Einstein videos.  Classical music, too... I have spent way too much time trying to communicate well with my child and foster brain development to throw a wrench in that with a falsehood.  That I would be responsible for creating and fostering, no less!

I can instead choose to honor how very much they absorb by using this precious time to create pathways of joy. Joy that we are saved no matter what. Joy to me in this case also means not having to be weirded out by a dude coming in to my home when I’m asleep (let alone a fairy who picks up my head to deposit money! Hehehe).

We are also told to worship only one God. Worship is attention. I definitely put a lot of attention on my prayers to Santa as a kid. So I am trying not to misdirect my children’s attention, either accidentally or on purpose. 

I choose not to perpetuate a myth: because there is no explanation for it.

Now, I love explaining the sacrifice of St. Nicholas – he was made a saint for a very good reason – and it’s awesome! The Santa dude, not so much. 

And the ever-present patriot in me loves the cute effort of America to "unite" around this thing, since we can't agree on much else.  But I refuse.  Let's unite around the Bill of Rights or something civic like that - basic human rights - not lies. [Snark: leave that to some politicians!]

You say it’s to bring magic in the home? Children have their own imagination – to make something up for them stifles that. 

You need to have traditions? Yes, we all do!!  How about a birthday party for Jesus? Or a Las Posadas? These are very honoring traditions that elevate Him. 

There is no need for balance when we have an awesome Savior who went all the way! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!