This "Wrong Call" business: I am trying to catch thoughts and readjust them in a way that honors God. I am trying to identify things I do or say that can hurt others, unintentionally from my mouth, via my heart. The "Wrong Call" is the vehicle through which I exhibit heart change: to show you "found" thoughts that are wrong, that a Godly referee would "see" and blow his whistle.
Today's Wrong Call: Not affirming the heart-wrenching decisions that other parents make. Ugh.
In this age of glass ceilings blown wide open, or rather transferred to another group of people (another post, another time), we have so many choices. Full time, part time, quarter time, eighth time, or - my personal favorite - sixteenth time (see my blog The Stealth Muffin at While Satan comes to divide, and conquer, and destroy, I have been blessed to meet so many women who build up, encourage, and even write tips and take photos on how to survive.
It's an awesome time.
And so, how we use our hours during the day may vary; yet, at the end of the day, we are women. Women making tough choices. I think I heard that once from a very young mother and it has stuck with me.
Respect of other parents' decisions. Here we go:
My husband and I leaped with joy that we were moving here because of its public school system's reputation. Our tour of the school did not disappoint. Class act.
Anyway, the look of horror I see [thankfully only sometimes] when I mention that homeschool is a part of our lifestyle is astounding. The look says this, "Oh, the horror! Oh I could NEVER do that." Or, the look is boldly accompanied by the same words.
But, imagine if I indulged in the flipside: someone tells me their child goes to public school. I give them a look that says, "Oh, the horror! Oh I could never do that." I mean. Ouch, right?
It's just so hurtful. The worst part of it is, it usually comes very blithely. It's an accepted response, and I can't do anything about it.
How do I know it's accepted? I have said it, to friends who homeschooled (obviously before we chose it). I am ashamed of my thoughtlessness now, and even more amazed at their gracious responses.
We can't generalize, anymore, who is crazy, nuts, or mainstream. You'll never know, and I'll never know, until God straightens us all out once and for all.
But often times I wish that I could all stop my past words in midair, swirl-fly around them with a camera like the Matrix, and have the time to think just what it is my words are doing to the person receiving them.
Our hours are different - but all our stress is crazy. Share the love, the light, and the Lord, with words.
Today's Wrong Call: Not affirming the heart-wrenching decisions that other parents make. Ugh.
In this age of glass ceilings blown wide open, or rather transferred to another group of people (another post, another time), we have so many choices. Full time, part time, quarter time, eighth time, or - my personal favorite - sixteenth time (see my blog The Stealth Muffin at While Satan comes to divide, and conquer, and destroy, I have been blessed to meet so many women who build up, encourage, and even write tips and take photos on how to survive.
It's an awesome time.
And so, how we use our hours during the day may vary; yet, at the end of the day, we are women. Women making tough choices. I think I heard that once from a very young mother and it has stuck with me.
Respect of other parents' decisions. Here we go:
My husband and I leaped with joy that we were moving here because of its public school system's reputation. Our tour of the school did not disappoint. Class act.
But, after much back and forth, we discovered that we wanted to continue homeschooling.
By the way, that's not because I am patient, or because my children are overly obedient, or because I can balance my house-cleaning, husband-loving, exercising, and educating roles in life. I can't, and I don't, though I try to honor God with a variation of emphasis on some of them most of the time! He is here, at the end of my wits, every day.
Anyway, the look of horror I see [thankfully only sometimes] when I mention that homeschool is a part of our lifestyle is astounding. The look says this, "Oh, the horror! Oh I could NEVER do that." Or, the look is boldly accompanied by the same words.
But, imagine if I indulged in the flipside: someone tells me their child goes to public school. I give them a look that says, "Oh, the horror! Oh I could never do that." I mean. Ouch, right?
It's just so hurtful. The worst part of it is, it usually comes very blithely. It's an accepted response, and I can't do anything about it.
How do I know it's accepted? I have said it, to friends who homeschooled (obviously before we chose it). I am ashamed of my thoughtlessness now, and even more amazed at their gracious responses.
We can't generalize, anymore, who is crazy, nuts, or mainstream. You'll never know, and I'll never know, until God straightens us all out once and for all.
But often times I wish that I could all stop my past words in midair, swirl-fly around them with a camera like the Matrix, and have the time to think just what it is my words are doing to the person receiving them.
Our hours are different - but all our stress is crazy. Share the love, the light, and the Lord, with words.